How we build and operate the Keboola data platform
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Tomáš Fejfar 4 min read

Custom coding standard - why and how

When I joined Keboola a few years ago, there already has been a PHPCS standard set up. Most of our projects were using PSR-2. One would…

Ondřej Hlaváček 3 min read

cp in Docker: Cannot allocate memory, part 2

This is a sequel to a previously published post,

Vladimír Kriška 5 min read

How we converted CoffeeScript files with about 220 React components to JavaScript

On June 11, 2018 I created a new issue Rewrite from CoffeeScript to JS/JSX to get rid of CoffeeScript in our biggest repository for Keboola Connection UI .

Ondřej Hlaváček 2 min read

Revisited: Parallel Multipart Uploads to S3 in PHP

It's been exactly two years since I shared how we were handling large uploads to S3. Since then the code had worked without any…

Ondřej Popelka 13 min read

Testing the untestable

An important part of Keboola Connection are Extractors — especially Database Extractors. These components load data from different (SQL)…