How we build and operate the Keboola data platform
Ondřej Popelka
7 min read
Automating Self Hosted Pipelines — Part 1
Building an Azure Devops pipeline to build an Azure Devops pipeline.
Ondřej Hlaváček
6 min read
Best Practices for Azure DevOps (Release) Pipelines
As a part of our Azure adoption, we're also trying out Azure DevOps. Our current CI/ CD pipelines run almost exclusively on Travis CI. We…
Ondřej Popelka
5 min read
Kubernetes Pre-Stop Hook Reflections
I have an application which runs as a Kubernetes job. The application is implemented as PHP Symfony console command, which is specified in…
Vojta Tuma
9 min read
Hodil by se nám další buddy do party
Napsat zajímavej pracovní inzerát v dnešní době je docela složitý, a proto jsme se rozhodli, že ho prostě psát nebudeme. Místo toho…
Ondřej Hlaváček
4 min read
Keboola Connection Going Azure
Back in April last year, we made the business decision to make Keboola Connection available on Azure too (no, we're not quitting AWS). The…