How we build and operate the Keboola data platform
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Ondřej Popelka 8 min read

MySQL + SSL + Doctrine

Enabling and enforcing SSL connection on MySQL is easy: Just generate the certificates and configure the server to require secure…

Ondřej Popelka 8 min read

Automating Self Hosted Pipelines — Part 2

Building an Azure Devops pipeline to build an Azure Devops pipeline.

Ondřej Popelka 7 min read

Automating Self Hosted Pipelines — Part 1

Building an Azure Devops pipeline to build an Azure Devops pipeline.

Ondřej Hlaváček 6 min read

Best Practices for Azure DevOps (Release) Pipelines

As a part of our Azure adoption, we're also trying out Azure DevOps. Our current CI/ CD pipelines run almost exclusively on Travis CI. We…

Ondřej Popelka 5 min read

Kubernetes Pre-Stop Hook Reflections

I have an application which runs as a Kubernetes job. The application is implemented as PHP Symfony console command, which is specified in…