Vladimír Kriška
Hľadáme ďalšieho človeka na UIčka
Do Kebooly hľadáme JavaScript vývojára, ktorý by sa pripojil k UI tímu a pomohol nám tvoriť a vylepšovať UI pre dátovú platformu Keboola Connection a ostatné podporné nástroje.
How we converted CoffeeScript files with about 220 React components to JavaScript
On June 11, 2018 I created a new issue Rewrite from CoffeeScript to JS/JSX to get rid of CoffeeScript in our biggest repository for Keboola Connection UI .
What’s happening in my container?
Many times during my support week in Keboola I bumped into an issue where someone needed a memory increase for his component.
Application logging in AWS Lambda with Serverless plugin and Papertrail
We use Papertrail service to gather logs from all our apps across different platforms and programming languages. So, naturally, when we…
Formatting JavaScript code using Prettier automatically — in a container
For the last few months, I have been working on the new User Interface for one of our products. More specifically, I’m creating a Single Page Application which consumes one of our APIs.